The case for merging all language training programs under one global training provider enabled Diversey to provide data and insights that the local markets previously did not have.
Running a standard proficiency assessment for the whole organization enabled training managers to select the right students to enrol in the program, and a single reporting center tracked learner progress and measured program ROI on a global scale. This enabled Diversey to see the level employees started at, and where they should be by the end of the program.
Naturally, some employees were initially resistant to online language training. However, the lack of flexibility sometimes found in face-to-face programs resulted in low attendance and completion rates. Switching to online training allowed learners to study anywhere, anytime, without disrupting their personal lives or work schedules.
With more than 350 learners trained and a 70% reduction in costs annually, Diversey reports its employees are engaged and committed to their online training more than ever.